Fish and Chips
This recipe for beer-battered fried fish produces crispy, golden brown coated, flakey-on-the-inside fish. Best to serve soon after frying. Serve...
Baked Fish Sticks
Summer is the perfect time to cook with your kids, and this recipe for Baked Breaded Fish Sticks is a great parent-child cooking project. Children...
Simple Pareve Tuna Pie
If your kids like tuna, this Tuna Fish Pie is a very simple way to turn it into a meal. Simply lay out the defrosted dough, fill it with the tuna...
Gefilte Fish - How to Make the Old-Fashioned Way
At the time of the Mishna (200 CE), rabbis deemed it meritorious to eat fish on the Sabbath and Jews became accustomed to eating fish at festive...